Dowels perform the important job of load transfer between adjacent concrete slabs. Because a concrete slab only has around 50% of its load-bearing capacity at the edges, dowels are needed to support the slab, help bear and transfer weight and permit controlled movement of the two adjacent slabs (technically called the “approach and leave slabs”.)
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Traditional round dowel bars only allow the concrete to contract in one direction. Plate dowels allow contraction of the slab in two lateral directions. One-way movement and the resultant corner ‘lock’ leading to cracking. Two-way lateral movement allows free contraction as the slab cures -no cracking. Traditional dowel bars have to be inserted through timber formwork making the removal of the formwork difficult. Plate dowels use a plastic sleeve that is nailed to the timber formwork making the formwork removal very simple. The dowel plate is simply inserted into the sleeve once the timber has been stripped away. No-fuss, no mess, just a clean and simple installation.